Aug 7, 2008

Damn tired these few das.Night only came home.Every Tuesday surely will come back late because we have Physics lab till 8pm.If finish early then can go back early.Then Wednesday my class till 6pm.I usually sleep very early on these two days.But my early is still 12am like that.At least still earlier than other days.Actually Monday I have computer lab at 8pm till 10pm but that class is unsupervised so no need to go.Haha.Monday my class end at 2pm.Thursday also end at 2pm.Friday till 10am since only got one class.A late waker like me is lucky to have such a timetable because my classes starts at 9am on Monday and Friday and starts at 10am from Tueasday till Thursday.So everyday my housemates go class ad but I still in my bed.Haha.

Kinda tired right now because I just came back though my class ended at 2pm.Guess what.I did study group with my friends.5 of them.Haha.Rajinnya.Thats because tomoro Im having Test 1 for Physics and Calculus on Sunday.Weird huh.A test on Sunday.Tomoro test today only did study group.As usual last minute.Hehe.Last time I never like study group because I will end up talking rather than study.But today I really have fun during study group and meanwhile Im having fun I did learn something and got to revise as well.So study group is not bad afterall.My head so pening when doing all the questions especially vectors and projectile motion.We did our study group somewhere near my lecturer's room so when we got questions dont know how to do straight go find lecturer.Easy job.Haha.Do study group must find right friends to do.So thanks to my friends that study with me this evening.

I just received a phone call from weipin.She asked me to get ready then she will be coming to fetch me to her apartment so that I can help her to do pizza.Haha.Dont know what angin make her so semangat to do pizza.Somemore all the ingredients she bought.Since she so ia-ia then I also ikut only la.Hopefully I remember to take photo of the pizza that I make and will post it here.Then after 9pm like that weilin wan to go eat KFC pula.My two sisters always like that wan.Their angin tiba-tiba wan.I know I got test tomoro but Im not sleeping tonight.As if I can tahan.Haha.Will try my best to stay up.Wish me luck!



Viola Ng said...

hohohohoho..hopefully you remember to take pic of ur pizza..i wanna see it.n i felt like eating it also...
may u success in doing it up as soon as possible...

w e i t i n g said... prob...

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